Command Line Args
# Strip ROS args and feed argparse command_line_args = rclpy.utilities.remove_ros_args(args=sys.argv)[1:] parser.parse_args(command_line_args)
# Topics and Services - ugh, needs a magic sleep still (otherwise empty) rclpy.init(args=None) time.sleep(0.1) print("Topic Names and Types:\n {}".format(node.get_topic_names_and_types())) print("Services Names and Types:\n {}".format(node.get_service_names_and_types())) print("Node Names: {}".format(node.get_node_names())) # Number of subscribers/publishers if node.count_publishers(topic_name) > 0:
# Set the node name node = rclpy.create_node(node_name="Exchange") # Publisher with a private name (i.e. appended to the node name) # IMPORTANT: needs the '/'! See http://design.ros2.org/articles/topic_and_service_names.html publisher = node.create_publisher(std_msgs.String, '~/blackboard') # Anonymous name node = rclpy.node.Node('watcher' + "_" + str(os.getpid())) # Resolved name count = 1 node = rclpy.node.Node('exchange') topic = rclpy.expand_topic_name.expand_topic_name( topic_name="~/blackboard/watcher_" + str(counter), node_name=node.get_name(), node_namespace=node.get_namespace() ) # Get all the nodes and namespaces a node can see print("Node Names & Namespaces\n {}".format(my_node.get_node_names_and_namespaces()))
import PyQt5.QtWidgets as qt_widgets import PyQt5.QtCore as qt_core # locate generated files from . import gui class MainWindow(qt_widgets.QMainWindow): gui_close_event = qt_core.pyqtSignal(name="guiCloseEvent") def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Use generated files - bugfree when using promotions & resources self.ui = gui.main_window.Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) def closeEvent(self, unused_event): self.gui_close_event.emit() class Backend(qt_core.QObject): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.node = rclpy.create_node("dashboard") self.shutdown_requested = False def terminate_ros_spinner(self): self.shutdown_requested = True def spin(self): while rclpy.ok() and not self.shutdown_requested: rclpy.spin_once(self.node, timeout_sec=0.1) self.node.destroy_node() def main(): # picks up sys.argv automagically internally rclpy.init() # enable handling of ctrl-c (from roslaunch as well) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) # the players app = qt_widgets.QApplication(sys.argv) main_window = MainWindow() backend = Backend() # sigslots (specifically to catch 'x' in gui shutdown) main_window.gui_close_event.connect( backend.terminate_ros_spinner ) # sig interrupt handling signal.signal( signal.SIGINT, lambda unused_signal, unused_frame: main_window.close() ) # ros spinner ros_thread = threading.Thread(target=backend.spin) ros_thread.start() # qt...up main_window.show() result = app.exec_() # shutdown ros_thread.join() rclpy.shutdown() sys.exit(result)
# Install package.xml data_files=[ ('share/' + package_name, ['package.xml']), ], # Install global scripts data_files=[ ('bin', ['scripts/py-trees-blackboard-watcher', 'scripts/py-trees-tree-watcher']), ], # Install package specific scripts: entry_points entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ # These are redirected to lib/<package_name> by setup.cfg 'py-trees-demo-exchange = py_trees_ros.demos.exchange:main', 'py-trees-ros-tutorial-tree-one = py_trees_ros.tutorials.one:main', ], }, # Install package specific scripts: setup.cfg [develop] script-dir=$base/lib/py_trees_ros [install] install-scripts=$base/lib/py_trees_ros
Time & Timers
# Get the current time as an rclpy.time.Time object rclpy.clock.Clock().now() # Convert rclpy.time.Time objects to a msg rclpy.clock.Clock().now().to_msg() # Convert a msg to an rclpy.time.Time object rclpy.time.Time.from_msg(msg) # Periodically execute a method print_timer = node.create_timer( timer_period_sec=1.0, callback=periodically_print_something ) # Periodically execute a method with arguments publisher_timer = node.create_timer( timer_period_sec=1.0, callback=functools.partial(periodically_publish, exchange=exchange) ) # Periodically execute a class's member method <TODO>
- Executors belong in the applications, Nodes in the classes and methods.
- Avoid blocking spins in classes and methods - a multi-node application won't like you
- Pass in an executor pre-loaded with other nodes if you have to
In order of criticality...
- Action Server Exceptions: hang and only report somewhat unusefully on CTRL-C (rclpy#296)
- Contexts: is there a situtation when you would not want to use the default global context?
- Latching: See also https://answers.ros.org/question/305795/ros2-latching/, also https://github.com/ros2/ros2/wiki/About-Quality-of-Service-Settings and https://github.com/ros2/ros2/issues/464 (open: latching needs decision)
- ros2 topic echo has no way of setting it's own profile to be latched (TRANSIENT_LOCAL)
- Unicode: strings are intended to support UTF-8 (design/WideStrings.md), but String.msg is only ASCII right now (refer to discussion in ros2cli#176)
- Oneshot Timers: no implementation (rclpy #186), should be easy to implement, but how does anything know about the callback??? (rclpy/node.py#L302, rclpy/timer.py#l23, rclcpp/timer.hpp)
- Non-Wall Timers: no implementation (rclpy/timer.py#L21)
- Non-Wall Sleep: no implementation
- Rate: no rclpy implementation (rclpy #186)
- Node Shutdown Hooks: Seems to be missing, no workaround for it right now (rclpy #244)
- Ros2Topic String Formatting: Ros1 formatted strings to stdout complete with newlines, shell color control sequences, etc.
- Used this mechanism for writing descriptions/information on latched one-shot publishers (makes it very easy for someone to inspect and understand the runtime).
- Ros2Service Not Formatting at all: doesn't even format line by line like ros2topic does
- Coloured Log Levels: on stdout for warning/error using, e.g. node.get_logger().error("...")
- Home: how to discover where 'home' is? e.g. ROS_HOME || rospkg.get_ros_home()
- Resolved Names: convenience ROS1 style publisher.resolved_name instead of having to discover via
rclpy.expand_topic_name.expand_topic_name( topic_name, node.get_name(), node.get_namespace()))
Other (Non-Rclpy)
- Overlays (sourcing install/setup.bash) no longer remember their dependent underlays? Have to source each and every one manually.....
- This is the difference between install/setup.bash and install/local_setup.basht (there is a comment in the top of each file)
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