
Command Line Arguments

bazel build -s //...                                                       # g++ verbosity
bazel build -s --jobs=1 //...                                              # single job to help with debugging compile time errors
bazel query //...                                                          # all targets (recursively)
bazel query //:*                                                           # all targets + source files (recursively)
bazel query @maliput//...                                                  # all targets in the external maliput (recursively)
bazel query --output label_kind @bazel_tools//tools/python/...             # show types of targets
bazel query --output build --enable_bzlmod //protos/dsr:discovery_cc_grpc  # investigate what a macro (cc_grpc_library) is fudging
bazel query --enable_bzlmod "deps(//protos/dsr:discovery_cc_proto)"        # get all explicit, implicit, internal and external dependencies


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    Providers — Connecting providers with rules.